Monday, November 30, 2009


1) What you think is the point behind the Avatar marketing is?
The main point behind any marketing for a film is to get people to view the film. Avatar had not released many trailers and information so it makes people want to see it more. Since they have released more trailers more people are becoming aware of the film and more want to see it.

2) Where you have come across it?
I have found out about the marketing and campaign from these various sites and have read about the film and its campaign. I found the websites on google and most are forums or reviews from sci-fi places.

3) Were you were affected by it in any way?
If I knew about the film and nothing had been released for it I would be waiting and anticipating a trailer, however I did not realize this film was made until I saw a trailer. However from the trailers I can see that it should be a good film and I am not waiting for more marketing to happen.

4) What message the campaign is trying to communicate?
I think the campaign is trying to create suspense and anticipation for the film; it is making it seem like a film that must be seen and is too good for trailers.

5) The overall strategy for communicating that message — shock, surprise, charm, persuasion by rational arguments etc?
I think the strategy is suspense and shock. Suspense is because the producers and film makers didn’t release any posters or marketing for a long time, then all of a sudden they are showing trailers, posters and a 15 minute screening of part of the film.

6) The items that have been used in the campaign (eg posters, flyers, television adverts)
Things that have been used are two trailers, and simple posters. At the cinema there are two different trailers and the Coca-Cola advert is showing. the audience are now seeing more trailers and posters.

7) What is similar about the items in this campaign — what tells us that they are all part of the same campaign?
The items in the campaign are all similar. They all show the blue creatures and the poster is the female creature and the man as his avatar. The trailer centers around them and you can see things from the trailers and film.

8) Who is targeted by the campaign?
I think the target audience is mainly the sci-fi fan audience and then ages from around 15 to 30. A wide audience because the older people will like the story more and then the younger will be more drawn in by the CGI effects and 3D.

9) How the people that created the campaign have tried to reach that target audience
The people who created marketing teamed with coca-cola to get to the younger audience the main trailer shows intense scenes which can appeal to the older audience.

10) The strengths of the campaign and how successful it is in communicating its message

The strength is that the way that they didn’t release much information, they waited until everyone wanted more. It did work in the way they it made people want more and then as they gradually released more people got more interested in the film.

11) Any weaknesses in the campaign and how it could be improved
As they released trailers and posters quite late not as many people knew about it. Some people who had heard of the film and wanted to see it will have been looking for trailers others however will only have heard about the film once trailers came into public circulation. This could be improved by bringing out a few more things earlier or advertising in cinemas or have newspaper articles so that the film can get interest before the trailer.

12) Whether you were already aware of this campaign.
I was not already aware of the campaign, because I was not looking for this film I only found out about when I saw a trailer in the cinema. I then found out about the campaign on the Internet.

13) How is star power used in the campaign?
Director James Cameron is used because this is his first feature film since Titanic. Also some bigger names are used for the film such as Sam Worthington and Zoe Saldana.

14) Is there a message in the marketing about society’s set of beliefs?
Many people believe different things I think the film lets you believe things differently and you can see other things in a new view. the film can relate to the current war in Afghanistan and what is happening in the real world. As James Cameron

15) How is technology used to market Avatar? Are there forms which use this approach more than others?
With the 3d technology it used to film the movie the campaign have let a 15 minute preview of the film to be released in as many IMAX theatres and selected 3D cinemas.

Sunday, November 29, 2009


On Thursday the 26Th we went to Brighton for a film conference.
first we saw one person who had done a few music videos and short films. his work i did not enjoy as much, i liked the way he had made the clips but i didn't like the overall piece i got bored quite fast. the short film i didn't understand much.

With the second person he had made a feature film called dummy. I actually liked this piece i didn't think i would if i had to choose i wouldn't have watched it but once i did i found that i enjoyed the film it had a good base story line and i thought it was filmed and acted well.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

essay question

What for you are the most striking uses of narrative construction in the film Elephant?

  • It has a non-linear structure.
  • Does not follow Todrov.
  • not conventional
  • It begings roughly in the middle, then forward and back.
  • many differant story lines to follow.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Elephant Micro Analysis.

In this scene Nathan, who is a lifeguard, and Carrie, his girlfriend, are having a conversation about what Carrie is doing later. She has said that she will be going to the doctors. Nathan then asks if it is about what happened two weeks ago. As a viewer we do not know what has happened and want to find out more. We presume that she is pregnant and this is the reason. We get this from how we stereotype the two characters. Nathan and Carrie are popular and it shows by what they wear and stand out.

Nathan is wearing the red lifeguard jumper. In one way this can symbolise that he will protect Carrie, he will guard her life. The red is a bold colour and makes him stand out from the crowd. People will see him as popular or at least well known in these surroundings. Carrie was in a blue t-shirt and jeans. This is a much simpler costume and it can show that she is more vulnerable. In person Nathan is of bigger build, taller and stronger. Carrie is smaller in build, weaker and shorter the more vulnerable of the two.

The scene has been set up to look natural. The camera is shooting into the light; therefore the two characters are in shadow. The very end of the corridor is brightly lit and the space where they are is darker. During the scene they are talking about how Carrie could possibly be pregnant, this is a very intimate and serious conversation. It can be seen as negative which means the corridor lighting is darker to relate to the conversation taking place.

The film was shot in an abandoned school in Portland, Oregon. The school was abandoned due to structural problems and safety concerns; it was torn down in 2007. This scene is set in a plain poorly lit corridor and they have a conversation as they walk down. The corridor is plain and has no props the only thing in the corridor is the two characters.

Camera angle and framing
This scene is a medium shot of the two characters. It is a shot at eye level as if the audience is walking directly behind them, following them down the corridor. The two characters can be seen together and equally in the shot. The frame is slightly to the side of the two people so that it is not directly behind them. Carrie is closer to the edge of the frame.

During this scene Nathan and Carrie are walking down a poorly lit corridor, the only people in the shot are themselves and there are no posters or other props on the walls. The only thing is the corridor is the two characters and various lights on the ceiling or two doors presumably leading to classrooms. This lack of props means the audience are not distracted by anything around. The one thing the audience concentrate on is the two actors and what is being said in there conversation. It shows that the conversation is very important and the audience should pay attention.
The two actors and walking slowly and casually down the corridor; they are holding hands which shows that they are in a relationship. They are having a conversation and continue to walk towards the end of the corridor.